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Web Development

Tell Your Story

Websites are all about telling your story. We'll help you write and organize that story in a way that will appeal to audiences.

Professional Content

Stand out from the crowd with a website that doesn't look like everyone else's. We'll listen to your needs and develop an aesthetic that will help you meet your goals. Our sites are accessable, modern, and secure. 

The website’s most important function, is to serve as the hub connecting your organization and its social media presences to a multiplicity of audiences.

The site should be:

  • A strong reflection of the organization’s, and its members’, vision of the future.

  • A way to encourage users to take action. 

  • A way to encourage users to join and donate to the organization.

The content updates should enhance the site’s friendliness: it should be fast and fun to visit, while at the same time encouraging visitors to dig deeper and undertake action or to support the organization.

We will work with you to simplify the site’s content and navigation to focus on the calls to action.

Professional Graphic Design

CHCS will design from scratch or redesign an exisiting site to make it modern and mobile-friendly.  This will:

  • Improve the site’s appeal to its various audiences.

  • Help focus site visitors’ attention on the elements that are decided upon to be highlighted, as discussed above.

  • Use responsive design that works on desktops, phones, and tablets. 

  • Incorporate map data as needed to help tell your stories


In twenty years, we've developed a lot of websites. Here is a sample that shows the range of what CHCS has done, from the simple to the complex.

All Aboard Minnesota

The nonprofit group advocating for better passenger rail service in Minnesota.

Empire Builder Advocates

The nonprofit group that supports the historic Empire Builder train.

Rail Passengers Maryland

Nonprofit organization working to improve passenger rail service in the Old Line State.

AFWA Seattle

Local chapter of the Accounting & Financial Women's Alliance professional association.

Jackie Fisher Marketing & Media, inc.

Provider of multimedia strategies, including radio and television production.