Main Body

Email and On-Screen Notifications

The Next9 system automatically sends email messages to expiring contacts. It also displays on-screen messages when transactions are complete.


  • The text can be customized, as can the dates that the emails are sent. Please contact CHCS if you wish to make changes.
  • The items in brackets are the appropriate links for your organization.
  • Emails are sent from the address specified in the Next9 module, which is generally noreply@[your_domain_name]. Members should add this email address to their address book in order to ensure that emails do not get marked as spam.
  • You can view or download information about expiring members. You can use this report to send additional email or postal mail notices as you wish. In the top menu, go to Membership, Reports, and select Expiring Member Report.
  • These features are available in Next9 version 2.2.16 or later. To check which version you have, go to Membership, click the Admin tab, and select Modules.

Email Notifications

1. Email Membership Warning

By default, this email is sent 30 days before the expiration date. This date can be customized.

Your membership expires on {mm_renew_date}.

We hope you will continue as a member of {organization_name}.

Please go to {renew_url} to renew your membership.

2. Email Membership Expired

This email is sent on the date that a membership expires.

Your membership expires today, {mm_renew_date}.

We hope you will continue as a member of {organization_name}.

Please go to {renew_url} to renew your membership.

3. Email Membership Error

This email is sent if the credit card processing does not go through.

The following error occurred trying to process your membership payment.


Please log onto your account at {admin_url}, go to the Payments tab and update your card information.

4. Email Membership Renewal

This email is sent after successful processing of a membership renewal.

Your membership was renewed today {mm_renew_date}.

Thank you for your continued membership in {organization_name}.

View your account at {admin_url}

5. Email Recurring Donation Success

This email is sent upon successful processing of a recurring donation.

A donation of {amount} was processed today at {time}.

Thank you for your support of {organization_name}.

{organization_name} is an IRS-designated 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable organization. Donations are tax deductible.

6. Email Recurring Donation Failed

This email is sent if a recurring donation fails.

The following error occurred trying to process your recurring donation of {amount}.


Please log onto your account at {admin_url}, go to the Payments tab and update your card information.

Thank you.

7. Email Renew Subscription Success

This email is sent on successful renewal of a subscription (such as a printed newsletter).

Subscription renewal for {subscription} successful

The charge of {amount} was processed today at {time}.

Thank you for your support of {organization_name}.

8. Email Renew Subscription Failed

The following error occurred trying to renew your subscription of {subscription} at {amount}.


Please log onto your account at {admin_url}, go to the Payments tab and update your card information.

Thank you.

9. Email Disclaimer

Each of the above messages includes the following disclaimer.

You have received this mail because you are or were a member or subscriber of {organization_name} at {organization_address} and have given your email to us. {Unsubscribe}

On-Screen Notifications

Next9 displays thank-you messages on screen when a transaction is complete, for:

10. Donate thank you

Donation successful

Thank you for your support of {organization_name}.

{organization_name} is an IRS-designated 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable organization. Donations are tax deductible.

11. Join thank you

Membership created successfully

Thank you for becoming a member of {organization_name}.

Please save your Login Name and Password for future use.

{organization_name} is an IRS-designated 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable organization. Donations are tax deductible.

12. New thank you

This message displays when a new member is added to an existing group or family membership.

New member created successfully

13. Renew thank you

Membership renewed successfully

Thank you for continuing as a member of {organization_name}.

{organization_name} is an IRS-designated 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable organization. Donations are tax deductible.

14. Subscribe thank you

Subscribe successful

Thank you for interest in {organization_name}.

We hope that you enjoy your new subscriptions.

15. Events Registration thank you

Events Registration successful

Thank you for your support of {organization_name}.

{organization_name} is an IRS-designated 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable organization. Donations are tax deductible.